Advocacy Policy

  1. Introduction / Overview

Advocacy provides all clients with support and someone to speak up and support their rights. This is vitally important when dealing with people who have vulnerabilities and may not have the ability to advocate for themselves.

  1. Purpose

The purpose of the Advocacy Policy is to provide a guideline for all employees as to the importance of advocates and that clients may request an advocate at any time. The policy outlines the steps that employees should take where an advocate is requested. The policy also outlines advocating for clients and supporting those clients, families and carers through accessing the required services.

  1. Scope

The Advocacy Policy covers all employees and stakeholders of the business. Inspire Ability will ensure that all employees, stakeholders, clients, families and carers are aware of the Advocacy Policy and how to ensure that advocating for clients, families and carers needs are approached with care and support.

  1. Definitions
    • Advocacy

Public support or recommendation of a cause.

  • Advocate

A person who supports or recommends a particular cause or puts forward a case of support on another’s behalf

  1. Policy Content

At all times the management and staff of Inspire Ability will uphold the rights of their clients and those with disability. The intention of Inspire Ability is to build awareness and to provide a service which allows those with disabilities to experience activities and to be a part of community.

Inspire Ability will always ensure that other services, which they may use in the provision of their services, are aware of the rights of clients and those with a disability and the way the service is delivered to encourage equality and acceptance.

Inspire Ability is committed to advocating for the rights of clients and those with a disability to ensure there is respect and no discrimination against any of the clients of Inspire Ability.

Where a client or parent, guardian or support person requests an advocate outside of the service provided by Inspire Ability, staff will notify the Managing Director of Inspire Ability for assistance in providing the client with the appropriate service and identifying a suitable advocate for the client.

All clients will be made aware of their right to seek an advocate, the role an advocate may play and advocacy services available to them. This information will be provided through the issue of a Client Information Pack prior to or when engaging the services provided by Inspire Ability.

It is the responsibility of Inspire Ability staff to ensure that advocacy services are provided to all clients upon request.

Inspire Ability provides advocacy with and on behalf of all clients and their families through the provision of services and the clients inclusion in activities with other service providers where appropriate.

We support clients with concerns, issues and complaints about Inspire Ability services and ensure that all concerns, issues and complaints are dealt with in a systematic way following our organisations complaints procedure. This information is provided to all clients through the Client Information Packs provided to each client engaging our services.

Information about advocacy services will be provided on our website.

Inspire Ability supports all clients to make decisions based on their will and preferences. We encourage all clients to make their own choices and provide services customised to suit the needs of each individual.

  1. Policy Review Statement

This policy will be reviewed annually as a part of the ongoing review and continuous improvement of all of the organisations policies and procedures. In the case where changes to legislation and regulations that may impact this policy, a review will be carried out within 30 days of the change to legislation, regulation or other legislative requirements.


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